Equine Touch courses for horse lovers and future practitioners

Learn Equine Touch

The Foundation course is a fantastic opportunity to learn the core moves which are central to Equine Touch. It provides a balance of theory and practice so that by the end you will feel confident to practice a body balance sequence which addresses all the main muscle groups, and which promotes deep relaxation in the horse. We also discover ‘Area of Concern’ procedures which are layered onto the horse addressing key areas of tightness.

This sequence is both so gentle yet so powerful that it remains the first thing any Equine Touch practitioner would do when seeing a new horse for the first time. It is a great chance to learn the basics of Equine Touch bodywork to do on your own horse to help them be straighter, more in balance and with less muscular tension. It really helps with connection and relaxation as well as being something they absolutely love! 

Equine Touch is called a ‘Gift to your Horse’ and it really is - it offers you the chance to get to know your horse’s body deeply and to be able to help them physically. However, it also offers time to be with your horse where you are the one giving. Usually we ask things of our horses all the time, and it can be an emotional breakthrough to have time for the horse to be the recipient of our efforts rather than the other way round. After the Foundation course, the Intermediate course allows a student to learn many more techniques and skills. I also love mentoring students who progress onto the Practitioner Route.

If you would like to take part on one of my courses in the future - do get in touch and also check the course listing pages.

Equine Touch Foundation Course

Please email us at team@starlightcottage.co.uk to confirm dates before paying online here. Courses get booked up quickly so we want to make sure there is space for you.

 Below are some wonderful photos of students learning ad laughing together!